The Arcline Driver App - The driver dispatch communication center between the ArcFleet™ Software System and drivers.
The driver portion of the mobile application will provide dispatchers with the ability to send trip details from the ArcFleet™ Software directly to the Mobile Driver App. The driver will be provided with a login and password. Displayed information includes detailed pick-up and delivery information, load items, any notes associated with the order being viewed and a link to online mapping functions. Arrived and departed buttons allow the driver to confirm pick-up and delivery times sending data automatically to the ArcFleet™ software. The Capture image button will allow the driver to take a photo of the POD, damage or any other relevant image. This image will be automatically sent to ArcFleet™ and associated to the order in the system.
The dispatcher will create the trips in the ArcFleet™ software. Upon assigning the driver to a trip, detailed trip information will be sent to the driver mobile app and available to the assigned driver. When the driver has clicked on the Arrived and Departed Buttons; the mobile app will send data automatically to the ArcFleet™ software. Once loaded and unloaded, the order status will be automatically updated in ArcFleet™. Upon information being returned to ArcFleet™, an ArcMail message will be created to inform the dispatcher of recent load updates.
The customers will be able to view real time updates on both the ArcTrac Mobile and Website Customer Tracking Modules.