Answer a few questions to build the right software solution for your company.
What type of company?
( Select All that apply )
Do you have different divisions of your company that each use a separate set of customers, orders, or carriers?
( Choose one. )
Do you have different offices or divisions in your company that need to be able to print out documents with different logos and/or company contact information?
( Choose one. )
Would you like to have the ability to send shipment status updates to your customers via email automatically?
( Choose one. )
Do you often move LTL?
( Choose one. )
Would you like to offer your customers the ability to view the status of their shipments online using your website and/or a mobile app?
( Choose one. )
Would you like to be able to post invoices, P.O.D.s, or other documents online for them to retrieve?
( Choose one. )
Would you like the ability to dispatch shipment details to drivers using a mobile app?
( Choose one. )
Would you like to have a personal load board to which you could direct carriers to view and bid on your open loads using your website?
( Choose one. )
Do you frequently post loads onto any of the following load boards?
( Select All that apply )
Which accounting system do you use?
( Choose one. )
Would you like to have the ability to automatically fax or email documents such as invoices or carrier confirmations directly from the program?
( Choose one. )
Would you like to import mileage calculations from Pro Miles or PC Miler?
( Choose one. )
Would you like to have fuel tax automatically calculated for your loads so that your IFTA reports are generated automatically?
( Choose one. )
Would you like to generate your own Bill of Lading for each load?
( Choose one. )
Do you often move loads from Canada to the U.S.?
( Choose one. )
Do you require an EDI integration?
( Choose one. )